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May 2009
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Wednesday, May 20, 2009.

Meeting called to order by Chair, Kathleen Wilkinson, at 7:35 p.m.

Roll Call
Present:~ Kathleen Wilkinson (KW, Chair), Pat Donahue (PD, Vice Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Treasurer), Frank Clocher (FC), Donna Clifford (DC), Jane Sarnowski (JS), James Willis (JW) and Dolores Nangle (DN).

Absent:~ Domingo Alvarez and Joan Lovely.

Others Present: Doug Bollen (Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.), Bill Woolley (Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.), Teasie Riley-Goggin (Friends), Rita Downing and Sylvia Flynn.

KW recommends making a motion to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of April 15, 2009, and to accept them, FC motions, seconded by EH; unanimously approved.

Comments/Recommendations of the Chairperson

1.      KW begins by welcoming DN as a new member of the Board of Directors.  
2.      KW congratulates EH and PD on being reconfirmed as members of the Board of Directors until May 2012.

Director’s/Assistant Director’s Report

1.      Doug begins with the “Standards of Independence and Behavior” handout that was distributed to Board Members out at last month’s meeting.  He asks the Board if they have any thoughts or comments about implementing the policies for the Salem Council on Aging.  

PD refers to No. 5 on the handout and asks what the criteria are for being an “independent individual?”

DB responds that the Senior Center is not am adult day care service, and that one must be responsible to meet his or her own needs independently.

DC:  someone who does not have the ability to take care of one’s self draws the line for being independent.

PD asks if the center already has a set of such policies in place.

DB and WW explain that there my be a set of old policies but since their time with the COA they have never seen them.  

PD refers to the “Resolution and Conflict” section of the handout;  she reads “discontinue the activity that is creating the conflict for a certain time period.”   She asks if the activity that the conflict occurs in is going to be discontinued and if so, for how long?

KW explains that the suspension in participation in the activity depends on conflict that occurred and the circumstances.  The activity will not be discontinued to others but the client that caused the conflict will not be allowed to participate in the activity for a period of time.

KW refers to No. 8  and reads “there are no cash prizes or awards for winners of games,” and asks if this is true.

DB explains that bingo is a licensed program from the Massachusetts state lottery; those who participate and win are allowed to receive a cash prize.

DN refers back to No. 5 and brings up the point that some clients come with escorts, whether they be family members or a medical escort.  DN feels individuals who cannot function independently should be welcomed if accompanied by an escort.

KW feels that if this is included in policy No. 5,  then it will make the criteria for independence unclear.

JW refers to No. 6 and recommends that the “Salem Council on Aging is not responsible for lost or stolen items,” be added. He then suggests that the punishment or resolution to the conflict should be included on the incident report that is filed.

WW responds by stating that an incident report will be filled out immediately and once the resolution has been determined it will be added to the same sheet of paper.

PD then asks about the Change in Health section and asks what is considered a “mental health episode.”

WW states that this really cannot be defined and would be determined on a case-by-case basis; erratic behavior, seizures and outburst could be seen as examples.

DB would like to see that no pets are allowed in the building be added to the list of policies, unless they are service animals.

KW asked DB and WW to have these changes made and be handed out for next month’s meeting.  The board should be ready to vote on the revised policies before the summer recess.

2.      The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held on April 27 was a great success; this was an important night to recognize all those who make the Senior Center great.  Sandy George did a great job putting it together.   DB thanks all those who attended and hands the board the thank-you letter that he had written and published in the Salem Gazette.

3.      On Saturday, May 16, Parks, Recreation and Community Services held a Common Fitness Day on Salem Common.  The event was to demonstrate to the community all the health and fitness activities the department offers to adults, children and seniors.   Demonstrations and tables included information from the SCOA Walking Club, Reiki, Ballroom Dancing, Tap Dancing, B&N Fitness Programs, etc.  The department may host the event again next year.

4.      Recent Activity at the Center:
a.      May 14, monthly pizza party.  One of the most popular programs at the Center; 80 seniors attended.
b.      May 7, Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon
c.      Van No. 204 was just recently lettered and had the blue stripe added.
d.      Dylan Van Loon, a senior from Bishop Fenwick High School, did 11 days of community service at the Senior Center for his senior community project.  
e.      Doug has received five resumes for the custodial position, will be reviewing résumés and conducting interviews ASAP.
f.      An e-waste bin has been placed in the Senior Center for community drop of recyclable electronics.  This is a pilot program that expands the already existing city recycling program.  
g.      Doll house raffle has raised more than $350.  The doll house was built by Peter Jalbert; he donated the house to raise money for the Center.

5.      The Senior Tax Work-Off Program has 19 seniors participating. This is a big jump from last year.  The expansion of eligibility and raising the income level has allowed more seniors to participate in the program.

DN asks what the maximum income for participation is.
WW responds with estimates, roughly $32,000 monthly for individual and $42,000 monthly for a couple.

6.      DB discusses the upcoming budget.  He still does not have exact numbers.  City Hall is still working on issues.  DB explains that the Mayor is meeting with individual department heads before submitting the budget to the City Council.

JW asks DB if there have been any warning signs.

DB states that a 10 percent cut has been mentioned, but that he is hoping for level funding.

7.      Upcoming events;
a.      The Friends of the Council on Aging are holding a spaghetti dinner at the Salem Moose on May 28, at 5:30 p.m.
b.      The Friends of the Council on Aging Annual Meeting will be held June 24.
c.      Salem Council on Aging, Father’s Day Luncheon will be held June 18.
d.      Armed Forces Tribute will be held June 11.
e.      Monthly Pizza Party, June 25.

8.      Senior Recognition Week committee has been meeting to plan the senior events that will be incorporated during Salem Heritage Week.

9.      DB hands out a brochure in Spanish about the Senior Center. It was produced by WW and the Spanish bilingual services facilitators.  WW discusses that four part-time facilitators have been hired with the $6,000 grant money that was received. They are working to build activities and to effectively communicate with the Spanish-speaking population in the community.

10.     Tuesday, June 23, the COA will be having a Cultural Competency workshop sponsored by VNA Care Network and Hospice.~ The workshop is an all-day event, split into two sections.  The first section is open to the community; No Place for Hate will be joining the COA as a supporting agency.~ The second section, offered in the afternoon is for COA staff and volunteers only.~The purpose of the workshop is to create understanding and openness for the Latino culture and how to better identify and meet their needs.

11.     Staff defibrillator training to be scheduled on June 25, for staff recertification.

12.     Nutrition: In April, 2009, the COA provided 2,043 home delivered meals compared to 2,377 in April 2008.  The COA served 285 congregate meals in April 2009, compared to 344 in April 2008.  

a.      Ellen Kennedy, the Nutrition Coordinator, has been working on ideas for a new breakfast counter at the Center.  She is looking to have a buffet counter with cereal, juice, toast, English muffins, etc.

b.      Annual Nutrition Department cookout will be held on July 14 at Winter Island.

c.      Annual lobster roll luncheon will be held at the center on July 15.

13.     Transportation:  In April 2009, the COA provided 1,335 duplicated rides, compared to 1,320 in April 2008 and 718 in April 2007.

14.     The tax aides that were at the Senior Center from February through April provided free tax assistance to 531 clients.

15.     WW urges board members to visit the “Informacion en Español” page on the Council on Aging Web site. Salem State College students worked to translate all the information containing services and activities the COA offers.  

16.     The elder reassurance calling program is running well since it was switched from the Are You OK? system to the Connect-CTY system.  Currently, there are 13 seniors using the program.

PD lets DB know that there is a senior shuttle bus sign on the corner of Grant Road and Loring Avenue, and it needs to be taken down.

Treasurer’s Report
        DB explains that June 30 wraps up the FY 2009 budget; we are in good shape to make it through June.  Utilities are not included in our budget, which is a good thing; utilities are paid for through the Building Department.  As mentioned in previous meetings, DB is concerned with the amounts appropriated to vehicle parts and maintenance.   
JW shows concern with the amount for part-time salaries.

        DB states the accounts payable clerk is moving grant money into the account to pay the
        part- time salaries.

The advisory donations are doing well. Title B, funded by North Shore Elder Services for our van drivers, was just received. Title C, funded by NSES for nutrition program is doing well,  State Formula Grant; $9,163.46 and Community Development Block Grant funding for van drivers has also just been received.  

Committee Reports  
No Committee reports

Chair Kathleen Wilkinson asks fellow board members if they have any other comments.
        James Willis asked if he may address the board. KW approves.
1.      JW asks why the board meetings are falling on the same night as the Friends of the Council on Aging meetings.  DB explains that the Friends moved their meeting up a week in May because of the spaghetti dinner fundraiser being held the following week.  The Friends typically meet the fourth Wednesday of each month.
2.      JW demonstrates concern for the moving of personnel to different offices in the building.  Seniors have expressed concern to him and he asks DB what the criteria for the moving of offices are.  DB replies that he felt that transportation is a vital department that should have been moved to the first floor many years ago. Transportation offices are now located on the first floor, near the front door. In almost every COA it is on the first floor, near the main entrance, because it is a critical department for seniors to have easy access to. Also, each staff member needs office time to fulfill their job obligations.  
3.      A letter from Nancy Riley, a resident on 24 Webb Street, was read by board member James Willis. The letter was read and no comment was made by the board.

Visitor Comments
Teasie Riley-Goggin asked if she may address the board.  KW approves.
Riley-Goggin expresses concern with the moving of personal offices and adds to the letter that was read by James Willis.  She states that “many, many” seniors are upset with the choice to move offices in the building and feels that the happiness of seniors should be of paramount importance.
KW thanks Riley-Goggin for her comments.

Next Board meeting
June 17, 2009, at 6:30 p.m.
Next month there will be a vote to recess for the months of July and August, and a vote on the Standards of Independence and Behavior will also be anticipated.

KW recommended to adjourn, motion to adjourn by EH; seconded by JW; unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Meghan E. Murtagh